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If your lab is interested in using fNIRS, we can provide you with the knowledge and equipment to get your study started. Please read the overview of our process and reach out if you have any questions. 

Step 1. Inquiry Form

If you are interested in learning more about NIRS or want to collaborate with our lab, please fill out our interest survey

Step 2. Discuss Project

We will schedule a meeting to discuss your needs and ideas in more detail and answer any questions you might have. Note that although fNIRS has its advantages, it is not a great tool for all research topics: this is the point where we can determine how fNIRS could fit into your experiment.

Step 3. Onboard and Train

If your project is a good fit for fNIRS and has received IRB approval, we will set up a time to train your research team on how to use the equipment so they can carry out experiments independently. 

Step 4. Task Development

We can assist in developing your experiment to ensure your research goals are met with fNIRS.

Step 5. Data Analysis

We are here to answer any questions that may come up during your data analysis.